Francis: The Pope of Perversity

Last week, the purported head of the Catholic Church, Jorge Bergoglio, a.k.a. Pope Francis, popped off once again about the supposed danger of global warming to mankind.  “Pope Francis” called climate change “one of the most worrisome phenomena that humanity is facing” while those who hold dissimilar views on the subject have “perverse attitudes.”*

It is interesting that Bergoglio used the term “perverse” to describe those who might see climate change as a hoax being used by global elitists to further enslave humanity.  Webster’s New World Dictionary, 2nd college edition defines perverse in the following way:

  1. deviating from what is considered right and good; wrong improper, etc. or corrupt, wicked, etc; perverted.
  2. persisting in error or fault; stubbornly contrary.
  3. obstinately disobedient or difficult; intractable.
  4. characterized by or resulting from obstinacy or contrariness

It would be difficult to find a better term for Bergoglio and his wretched papacy than “perverse.”

It is apparent to any semi-cognizant person that Jorge Bergoglio, who has uttered a stream of mind-boggling heresies and has engaged in numerous scandalous activities, is not Catholic.  Not only is it impossible for a manifest heretic to be pope, but Bergoglio’s papacy is invalid since he was neither ordained a priest or consecrated as a bishop in the traditional, Apostolic rite, but instead was given orders created after the Second Vatican Anti-Council, 1962-65.

If this was not bad enough, Bergoglio who was “elected,” in part, to clean up the Church’s abominable and still ongoing pedophile scandal has done virtually nothing to oust the perverts, rapists, and enablers involved in the child holocaust, but has “perversely” promoted a number of these deviants into high-ranking Vatican positions!

Bergoglio has sought to change two millennium of Church teaching, some of which goes contrary to the very words of Christ Himself, on marriage, divorce, and sodomy.  Moreover, he has continued, like his post-Vatican II predecessors, to add novelties and make changes to the Church’s ancient liturgy and practices, most of which have been condemned by earlier popes and councils.

Despite all of this, Bergoglio has had the audacity to castigate those who do not go along with the phony baloney notion of climate change.  He not only has lost all moral authority to do so, but, like many of the climate change hustlers, Bergoglio has no scientific credentials to make such pronouncements one way or the other.  Nor does the office that he illegitimately occupies possess jurisdiction in this field.

The post-Vatican II popes have turned the august Chair of St. Peter into a pulpit for all sorts of crazed liberal causes with Bergoglio being the most radical of its proponents.  Another favorite of the Argentine heretic is his championing of mass migration unto European shores.

That Bergoglio has been allowed to not only remain in office, but has not been challenged when he utters such nonsense shows the low degree of knowledge of the faith that exists among most Catholics.  Popes have very limited authority and are only “infallible” in very specific theological areas.  This is why popes of the past never wrote books, issued statements or made speeches on social issues.  They are supposed to preach the Gospel.

The attainment of the sublime virtues contained in the Beatitudes as the goal of Christian living has under Bergoglio been replaced with a Leftist creed of social activism that includes climate change, mass migration, and income redistribution.  Such a transformation is the very antithesis of what the office that he holds was originally constituted to accomplish.

Bergoglio’s support for global warming demonstrates again that the Catholic Church is now an organ of the New World Order.  Politics, control, and social engineering are the tenets of the New Faith while the spiritual well being of souls is an afterthought.  It is a rarity when “Pope Francis” ever preaches on Christian themes, and when he does it is usually laced with heresies, confusion and downright lies.

If any institution should be free of perversity, it is the Catholic Church and that its current head is the embodiment of it shows the depths upon which that organization has sunk.  When Bergoglio and his crowd are either silenced or replaced, fraudulent ideas like global warming will become regrettable memories of a distant past.

*Nicole Winfield, “Pope Rebukes Climate Deniers as ‘Perverse’ in Bonn Message.”  Associated Press.  16 November 2017

Antonius Aquinas@AntoniusAquinas



3 thoughts on “Francis: The Pope of Perversity

  1. Pingback: Nothing New Under The Sun 2016

  2. Pingback: CATHOLIC HEADLINES 11.25.17 – The Stumbling Block

  3. James Martinelli

    Thank God he hates ‘the Mass of all Ages.’ His brand of Catholicism belongs to the new mass and that Vatican Council. Isn’t everyone sick and tired of Vat DooDoo and the ‘New Pentecost’? Did the Holy Spirit leave for a while? It sounds Protestan! It is Protestant!


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