Tag Archives: abortion

What Tucker Carlson and the Pro-Life Movement Miss about Abortion

In a recent talk to the Center for Christian Virtue, Tucker Carlson railed against abortion asserting that it is “no benefit to society” and “it erode[s] its very foundation.”*  The former Fox News anchor called the battle over infanticide not a “political debate,” but a “spiritual battle.”**  The speech comes as the issue of abortion has heated up in the Republican presidential campaign.

Carlson is certainly correct in his assessment that the fight over abortion is a spiritual struggle, but he, like most of the pro-life movement, does not understand the larger tragedy of abortion.  The failure of the pro-life movement to stress this fundamental aspect, and to see abortion in the light of eternity, is one of the reasons why the evil is still a legalized part of the so-called civilized world.

While the killing of the unborn is a crime, a greater injustice of that heinous offense is committed.  Most Christians, including presumably Tucker Carlson (who was brought up Episcopalian) and the Center for Christian Virtue, would agree that one must be baptized to have a chance at salvation.  Abortion denies that opportunity.  Unbaptized infants neither go to heaven or hell, but to the “limbo of the children” where they do not suffer the pains of hell, but neither can they receive the beatific vision.

Abortion is not only the killing of the unborn, which is heinous in its own right, but it denies one from entering heaven.  If this aspect had been emphasized from the start, it may have mobilized even greater public and judicial support to outlaw the abominable practice.

Tucker Carlson’s Christian priorities are also skewed as he states:

The point of life is to have children and to watch

them have grandchildren.  Nothing will bring you

joy like that will.  Nothing comes close.  Would

trade your job for your children?  Would you trade                                                

anything for your children?  Of course not.***

The point of life is to save one’s soul and, as the Divine Savior taught, this is done by loving God with “thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind” and loving “thy neighbor as thyself.”

Christ is very clear about those who put either parents or children above Him:

He that loveth father or mother more than

me, is not worthy of me; and he that loveth

son or daughter more than me, is not worthy                                                

of me.  [Matthew 10: 37]

Of course, children are precious gifts from God who add enjoyment and fulfillment to one’s life for those who can have them.  Children, however, are sinners and are in need of nurturing and instruction in how to live a moral life.  Sadly, despite the efforts and best intentions of parents, some children turn out badly. 

The fact that abortion is now a part of the political discourse demonstrates just how far the natural authority figures and institutions of society have failed in fulfilling their roles as moral guideposts.  Yet, this was bound to happen with the increased power of the state in all aspects of society, usurping the role that the family (and its extension – uncles, aunts, grandparents), churches, ministers, arbitrators, employers, philanthropists and scholars once held.  Where at one time ethical matters were discussed and decided outside of the state apparatus, now nearly every personal decision is subjected to government interference which has become the supreme arbitrator of what is moral and what is not.

That society’s non-governmental authority elements have little clout is also a factor in why most young people do not have much of a moral compass in how to conduct their lives and are susceptible to support the most debauched aspects of society. 

The left has long recognized this and has used the state to push through their agenda on all sorts of social and economic issues.  Using the levers of the state, a small, determined minority can impose its will on an unorganized majority.  This is another argument as to why pro-lifers should be for radical political de-centralization and the restoration of natural authority in society.    

Ultimately, the eradication of legalized abortion will not come via politics.  Instead of political wrangling, what should be made clear to the pro-abortion crowd is the real eternal consequences of their actions where the Divine Judge, who is not subject to legislative interference or some perverted, phony “right to choose” nonsense, will deliver perfect justice.




Antonius Aquinas@AntoniusAquinas


Holy Week and the Decline of the West


At one time, Holy Week – Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday – was recognized and commemorated by the Western world as a solemn period where earthly matters were put aside and focus was directed to history’s most seminal event.

Most businesses were closed or had reduced hours especially during the Sacred Triduum of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.  Entertainment and leisurely activities were curtailed while schools and universities’ “spring breaks” coincided with Holy Week as mankind contemplated, as best as it could, the momentous events which took place in a small backwater outpost of the mighty, and at the time, unknowing, Roman Empire.

Tragically, for the human race those days are a thing of the discredited past.  Sports are played, most work throughout the week, financial affairs are routinely conducted, while Easter Sunday is not seen as a celebration of the Resurrection, but of egg hunts.  In politics, it can be safely assumed that there will be no let up in the seemingly interminable U.S. presidential campaign during this week which, of all places, is in the most need of spiritual reflection.

The triumph of secular humanism is almost complete.

Such disregard and ingratitude for what took place two millennium ago does not bode well for mankind’s future, especially in those lands and among those peoples which once revered these sacred days.  The ominous eternal consequences of such indifference was warned about by the Divine Savior as recounted in St. Matthew’s Gospel: “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father, who is in heaven.”

While most do not realize it, the grave economic, political, and social problems which the West faces are ultimately the result of the indifference toward God with the neglect of Holy Week as a prime example.  None of the current abominations such as abortion and “gay” marriage could have ever been possible had human societies been dedicated toward Christ.

Such disregard will not go unpunished.  Could the continuing economic malaise and possible financial collapse, the burgeoning police states and the mostly Muslim invasion of what was once Christendom be heavenly retribution for man’s lackadaisical attitude toward his God?

It is amazing that none among the current crop of presidential contenders have recognized this obvious fact.  Their ignorance, and the blindness of those that are currently in power, will mean that none of the issues being debated and discussed will be solved.  The problems that the West faces today cannot be resolved as a matter of the right policy, but are at their core spiritual.  Redress of these issues will not come about through the ballot box or reform.

The forces that seek the West’s destruction must be fought on the spiritual plane.  They have long understood this, which is why they have tried to and largely succeeded in removing religion from society, allowing it only on Sundays – and if trends continue even this will no longer be tolerated.  Those who seek to preserve the fruits of Western civilization must realize that it is a religious contest.

The disastrous consequences of mankind ruling itself is on display for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.  The cultural depravity that abounds in contemporary life is stunning and has gone on so long and has been conducted with such intensity that most are now desensitized to it.  Creating jobs, halting mass immigration, appointing “conservative” judges will do little to overthrow the cultural Marxism that permeates society.

Until the Divine Entity for which Holy Week is centered on is once again placed at the summit of Western life, the chances of resolving its various crisis are nil.



Antonius Aquinas@AntoniusAquinas





Baby Butchering Continues to Get Subsidized at Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood V

If future chroniclers of the American past are to have any credibility in their recording of the present epoch, there must be included in their histories the vile and murderous saga of Planned Parenthood and its enabler, the United States Federal Government. That Planned Parenthood will continue to receive state largesse despite the well documented fact that the organization engaged in the selling and exchange of aborted (murdered) baby parts is a dramatic, but accurate indicator of the utter depravity of American society.

For all the bluster and threats by pro-life groups and conservative Republicans of a government shut down if Planned Parenthood was not defunded, the House of Representatives, led by Speaker Paul Ryan, voted to maintain taxpayer support of the organization. The Left, which had fought tenaciously to protect Planned Parenthood’s funding, was clearly pleased over the outcome as The Hill reported:

Planned Parenthood is praising Democrats in Congress after
the spending bill released early Wednesday morning spared
the organization from cuts.

As expected, the spending bill does not defund Planned
Parenthood, a clear deal-breaker for Democrats, but the
absence of spending cuts is still noteworthy given the
intensity of the push to defund the group earlier this year.*

While no one expects the den of thieves which roam the corrupt halls of Congress to take a courageous stand in defense of the innocent, one would at least expect the supposed moral leaders of the world to speak out in some regard against such an outrage.

While the egregious revelations of Planned Parenthood were becoming known, the purported pope of the Catholic Church was gearing up for another of his scandalous junkets, this time to the Western Hemisphere, with stops in Communist Cuba and the United States.

While Bergoglio performed a “Mass” under a huge display of Che Guevara in Cuba and spoke in front of the American Congress about a number of liberalistic causes, there was not one mention of the genocidal acts taking place at Planned Parenthood! Instead, there were smiles, exchange of gifts and backslapping between the supposed “Vicar of Christ” and America’s Chief Executioner of babies, Barack Hussein Obama, who has previously come out in favor of the grizzly procedure of late term abortion even up to and including the moment of birth. Obummer has also been a staunch advocate of “gay marriage” which was recently given legitimization by the other contemptible arm of the U.S. Leviathan, the Supreme Court.

Instead of warm words between Bergoglio, whose Church supposedly condemns abortion and sodomy, and high ranking members of the U.S. government, shouldn’t Bergoglio have excoriated the nation’s chief executive, its legislative, and judicial bodies for having fostered these abominations? And, why didn’t the mainstream press question this blatant hypocrisy of the person who is supposedly the chief guardian of the Church’s moral laws?

Neither has there been a peep from Bergoglio’s effeminate, clerical American underlings during the “debate” over the bill’s passage. Of course, how could “Catholic” prelates take any moral stand since most of these perverts are still in the midst of covering up and taking part in the Church’s Great Sex and Embezzlement Holocaust, another topic that Bergoglio paid only scant attention to during his infamous visit?

If Americans think there will not be some form of retribution for allowing an organization like Planned Parenthood to remain in existence, they are sadly mistaken. Justice must and will be served. Sympathy for tragedies which come down the line will be hard to muster for a society that tolerates such evil.

Not only will those at Planned Parenthood and its patrons suffer for their crimes, but those who were in positions of authority and influence and did nothing, like Bergogolio, are also culpable and will be chastised.

While psychopaths such as Planned Parenthood’s Vice President, Dana Singiser, dementedly boasted about how they defeated the “extreme members of Congress” who sought to defund the agency, their “victory” will only be fleeting as they will eventually have to face and answer for their atrocities to the Divine Judge who will be a bit more of a formidable adversary than sell outs like House of Representative Speaker Paul Ryan, and the United States Congress.

*Peter Sullivan, “Planned Parenthood Unscathed in Spending Bill,” The Hill. December 16, 2015.

Antonius Aquinas@AntoniusAquinas