Baby Butchering Continues to Get Subsidized at Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood V

If future chroniclers of the American past are to have any credibility in their recording of the present epoch, there must be included in their histories the vile and murderous saga of Planned Parenthood and its enabler, the United States Federal Government. That Planned Parenthood will continue to receive state largesse despite the well documented fact that the organization engaged in the selling and exchange of aborted (murdered) baby parts is a dramatic, but accurate indicator of the utter depravity of American society.

For all the bluster and threats by pro-life groups and conservative Republicans of a government shut down if Planned Parenthood was not defunded, the House of Representatives, led by Speaker Paul Ryan, voted to maintain taxpayer support of the organization. The Left, which had fought tenaciously to protect Planned Parenthood’s funding, was clearly pleased over the outcome as The Hill reported:

Planned Parenthood is praising Democrats in Congress after
the spending bill released early Wednesday morning spared
the organization from cuts.

As expected, the spending bill does not defund Planned
Parenthood, a clear deal-breaker for Democrats, but the
absence of spending cuts is still noteworthy given the
intensity of the push to defund the group earlier this year.*

While no one expects the den of thieves which roam the corrupt halls of Congress to take a courageous stand in defense of the innocent, one would at least expect the supposed moral leaders of the world to speak out in some regard against such an outrage.

While the egregious revelations of Planned Parenthood were becoming known, the purported pope of the Catholic Church was gearing up for another of his scandalous junkets, this time to the Western Hemisphere, with stops in Communist Cuba and the United States.

While Bergoglio performed a “Mass” under a huge display of Che Guevara in Cuba and spoke in front of the American Congress about a number of liberalistic causes, there was not one mention of the genocidal acts taking place at Planned Parenthood! Instead, there were smiles, exchange of gifts and backslapping between the supposed “Vicar of Christ” and America’s Chief Executioner of babies, Barack Hussein Obama, who has previously come out in favor of the grizzly procedure of late term abortion even up to and including the moment of birth. Obummer has also been a staunch advocate of “gay marriage” which was recently given legitimization by the other contemptible arm of the U.S. Leviathan, the Supreme Court.

Instead of warm words between Bergoglio, whose Church supposedly condemns abortion and sodomy, and high ranking members of the U.S. government, shouldn’t Bergoglio have excoriated the nation’s chief executive, its legislative, and judicial bodies for having fostered these abominations? And, why didn’t the mainstream press question this blatant hypocrisy of the person who is supposedly the chief guardian of the Church’s moral laws?

Neither has there been a peep from Bergoglio’s effeminate, clerical American underlings during the “debate” over the bill’s passage. Of course, how could “Catholic” prelates take any moral stand since most of these perverts are still in the midst of covering up and taking part in the Church’s Great Sex and Embezzlement Holocaust, another topic that Bergoglio paid only scant attention to during his infamous visit?

If Americans think there will not be some form of retribution for allowing an organization like Planned Parenthood to remain in existence, they are sadly mistaken. Justice must and will be served. Sympathy for tragedies which come down the line will be hard to muster for a society that tolerates such evil.

Not only will those at Planned Parenthood and its patrons suffer for their crimes, but those who were in positions of authority and influence and did nothing, like Bergogolio, are also culpable and will be chastised.

While psychopaths such as Planned Parenthood’s Vice President, Dana Singiser, dementedly boasted about how they defeated the “extreme members of Congress” who sought to defund the agency, their “victory” will only be fleeting as they will eventually have to face and answer for their atrocities to the Divine Judge who will be a bit more of a formidable adversary than sell outs like House of Representative Speaker Paul Ryan, and the United States Congress.

*Peter Sullivan, “Planned Parenthood Unscathed in Spending Bill,” The Hill. December 16, 2015.

Antonius Aquinas@AntoniusAquinas

2 thoughts on “Baby Butchering Continues to Get Subsidized at Planned Parenthood

  1. Diane D

    Wow… What a powerful testimony to a fallen people. We are in fact, “a society that tolerates evil.” And yes, America will face its Day of Judgment. We should be more concerned about saving our souls, than saving a wicked nation.

    Americans who call themselves Christians make me sick. They agonize over America’s demise. Yet every Sunday they sit like sheep while their pulpits are silent and complicit to America’s holocaust. Christ specifically warned us about ‘hirelings’. (John 8:11-12) Pastors are supposed to be shepherds protecting us from the wolves, even laying down their lives if necessary. Show me where your pastor is publically taking the fight against this evil. Yea right, I’ll hold my breath. American pastors have sold their souls to evil.

    You ask, ‘What can America’s House of God do to fight overwhelming tyranny?’ I suggest you ask King George.

    Christians, vote with your feet and abandon these hirelings. Home-church if necessary, or find a Liberty Church. But stop supporting them.

    1. R. Holm

      At a National Prayer Breakfast in Washington Feb. 3, Mother Teresa of Calcutta delivered the most startling and bold proclamation of truth to power I have heard in my more than 30 professional years in Washington.
      Before an audience of 3,000 — that included the president and his wife, the vice president and his wife and congressional leaders, among others — the 83-year-old nun, who is physically frail but spiritually and rhetorically powerful, delivered an address that cut to the heart of the social ills afflicting America. She said that America, once known for generosity to the world, has become selfish. And she said that the greatest proof of that selfishness is abortion.
      Tying abortion to growing violence and murder in the streets, she said, “If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill each other? . . . Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want.”
      At that time, most of those in attendance erupted in a standing ovation, something that rarely occurs at these sedate events. At that moment, President Clinton quickly reached for his water glass, and Mrs. Clinton and Vice President and Mrs. Gore stared without expression at Mother Teresa. They did not applaud. It was clearly an uncomfortable moment on the dais.
      She then delivered the knockout punch: “Many people are very, very concerned with children in India, with the children of Africa where quite a few die of hunger, and so on. Many people are also concerned about all the violence in this great country of the United States.
      “These concerns are very good. But often these same people are not concerned with the millions who are being killed by the deliberate decision of their own mothers. And this is what is the greatest destroyer of peace today — abortion, which brings people to such blindness.”
      What? Abortion destroys peace and causes blindness toward the sick, the hungry and the naked? Abortion leads to wars between nations? Of course it does, if life is regarded so lightly and its disposal becomes so trivial, so clinical and so easy.
      Why should people or nations regard human life as noble or dignified if abortion flourishes? Why agonize about indiscriminate death in Bosnia when babies are being killed far more efficiently and out of the sight of the television cameras?
      Mother Teresa delivered her address without rhetorical flourishes. She never raised her voice or pounded the lectern. Her power was in her words and the selfless life she has led. Even President Clinton, in his remarks that followed, acknowledged she was beyond criticism because of the life she has lived in service to others.
      At the end, she pleaded for pregnant women who don’t want their children to give them to her: “I am willing to accept any child who would be aborted and to give that child to a married couple who will love the child and be loved by the child.” She said she has placed over 3,000 children in adoptive homes from her Calcutta headquarters alone.
      She has answered the question, “Who will care for all of these babies if abortion is again outlawed?” Now the question is whether a woman contemplating abortion wishes to be selfish or selfless, to take life or to give life.
      Los Angeles Times Syndicate, Cal Thomas


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